Community Outreaches 2023

ICAPA Trust continues to promote gender sensitivity, inclusion, respect, equality and build agency in communities through exhibiting films that have female protagonists. In addition, post screening discussions are held to interrogate the themes and issues identified in the films.

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ProjectZ.Africa Presentation in Cannes

ProjectZ.Africa is an online film incubator and capacity building platform that creates international mentoring opportunities for selected Zimbabwean and other African filmmakers with the aim of transferring globally competitive film skills to this select group. The project is a flagship programme of the Institute of Creative Arts for Progress in Africa (ICAPA) Trust.

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Protest against Berlin Film Festival Selection

 Afro-German film creatives sent an open letter and public statement regarding the anti-Black films Measures of Men (Der vermessene Mensch), Seneca and Helt Super (Just Super) which were selected at the recent 2023 edition of the Berlinale, funded by German and European public funds and supported by other German organisations.


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