A good film does not lose its relevance, its characters live beyond the production date and its impact is felt by those communities that engage with it. Such is the case with PERETERA MANETA! Produced ten years ago, the main character is everywhere and continues to live in our communities but the case at Chikore High illustrates the power of film in our communities

by Yvonne Jila, Director, International Images Film Festival for Women

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Spoken Mbira Poetry Contest

Spoken Mbira Poetry Contest is a collaborative initiative between Chakanembira and the Institute of Creative Arts for Progress in Africa (ICAPA.) The contest aims to encourage the use of mbira music to enhance spoken word performances and promote transcultural interaction between individuals.

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IIFF in the club

Eye-opening documentary deaf jam opened Women filmmakers of Zimbabwe’s(WFOZ) 2014 IIFF IN THE CLUB screenings at the book cafe on January 29. Supported by the united states public affairs section (USPAS) this 2011 documentary, brought spoken word artists together with filmmakers in what might be a Zimbabwean first due to its content, causing such a crowd that the event had to be shifted to a larger room.

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IIFF goes Regional

What an exciting 13th edition of the International Images Film Festival for Women (IIFF) 2014 will be! Just when we were enjoying screening films in Harare, Bulawayo and Binga, we will also spread to the region for the first time. We will venture into similar, yet totally different settings: Malawi, Kenya and Somalia here we come!

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